National Symphony Orchestra Run Posters

NSO Run 1978

1978   The first in a series of ten posters announcing a fundraising 10K run for the National Symphony Orchestra. There was a t-shirt designed each year for the runners and volunteers. The posters became very popular and were sold to raise additional funds. I drew the treble clef with pen and ink and French curves then drew the runners based on the Eadweard Muybridge photographic studies of motion. All services donated for ten years. Continue scrolling to view the entire NSO series.

NSO Run 1979 & 1980

1979 & 1980   In 1980, several runners showed up for the race wearing bow ties around their necks and on their shoes. Fun! Martha Vaughan illustrated the shoe.

NSO Run 1981

1981   The tie was illustrated by Martha Vaughan, I drew the runners with instruments, adding to the original series. These were shot as photostats and placed on an acetate overlay. On press, the runners were set up as a split fountain with silver on the left and gold on the right. This created a beautiful bronze-colored treble clef. No two posters were identical.

NSO Run 1982

1982   Illustrations of instruments were hand-drawn then stats made at various sizes to create repetition and patterns. These were cut out with an x-acto knife and arranged to form a footprint, heavy at the bottom where the foot strikes the ground first and lighter at the top. Printing was a split fountain of dark metallic blue and silver.

NSO Run 1983

1983   From 1983-1987, I teamed up with a great photographer, Earl Zubkoff, who was game for anything. In 1983, I found an old and broken violin at a thrift shop, cleaned it up and spray painted it white (several coats). Then I dyed shoe strings and tied them onto it. The violin was suspended on an arm that went through a 4 x 8 milk white plexi sweep then shot 4 x 5 with no retouching. This poster won many awards including acceptance into the CA Design Annual.

NSO Run 1984

1984   We rented a French horn and took it down to the running path along the Potomac River across from the Kennedy Center. That is me running in the red shirt in front of the Kennedy Center. The Watergate complex is seen on the left side by the tree. The 35mm shot was composed in the camera with no retouching in the reflections or distortions. We shot several rolls of film but there was only one shot with both runners in front of the trees. We recruited people who were running by to be in the shot with the promise and subsequent delivery of a run t-shirt and a poster in lieu of payment.

NSO Run 1985

1985   A Steinway grand piano was borrowed and delivered to Earl’s second floor studio. We meticulously covered the keys with plastic wrap and placed real sod on it. Shot 4 x 5 by Earl Zubkoff.

NSO Run 1986

1986   Black and white art was drawn to mimic the bottom of a running shoe, the drum was open from the back and lit from inside with gel filters. A film positive of the foot was projected onto the drum. Shot 4 x 5 by Earl Zubkoff.

NSO Run 1987

1987   I found an old viola case at a thrift shop and rebuilt the inside. It was lined with purple velvet complete with cutouts for protecting running shoes and a roll of music for viola solo. We placed it on a park bench in the studio and lighted for dramatic effect. Shot 4 x 5 by Earl Zubkoff.